Ultimate Hustle Bundle
For those who want all the resources related to hustling your way to more income, the LBMT Ultimate Hustle Bundle is for you!
This bundle includes:
The new & improved "Grow Your Money Tree" tool kit. An e-book plus companion excel file that Includes everything you need to strategize, grow, and track your own income.
The Blog + Brand Yourself Rich Workbook Bundle
- Net Worth & Budgeting Tracking Spreadsheet Set
Here's what comes in each:
The Grow Your Money Tree Tool Kit consists of:
- 12+ page e-book on ways to grow your income both in your 9-5 or via a sweet side hustle.
- Worksheets to help you brainstorm your income goals and generate new ideas on how to meet them!
- A separate excel file with five different spreadsheets to track your income and spending month over month, year after year.
- Net Worth Tracker + Net Worth Tracker with Property (if you are a homeowner!)
- YTD Spending Spreadsheet
- Monthly Budgeting Template
- Monthly Budgeting Worksheet
The Blog + Brand Yourself Rich Workbook Bundle is for those looking to start a blog as a monetizeable creative pursuit or blog as a lead generation tool for an existing business. The bundle consists of five sections broken down into easy-to-follow steps:
- How to Define Your Blog
- How to Build Your Blog (Tech-wise)
- How to Grow a Blog Following
- How to Make Money from a Blog
- How to Brand Yourself (+ Pitch National Media)
The Blog + Brand Yourself Rich Workbook Bundle also includes:
- 25+ pages of real worksheets to help you brainstorm ideas for content.
- A "How to Build a Wordpress Blog" photo tutorial.
- Over 60+ recommendations for free resources (plugins, content, and management tools) to help run your blog.
- Email pitch templates.
- Recap pages and checklists to help keep you on track.
- Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced monetization strategies.
- How even beginners can begin making money with their blog right away.
- Templates, Tips, and Tricks for pitching national media.
Same products as offered in the store individually, but bundled for users to grab at a great low price!
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